What is a vectorized logo?

You can have your company logo in two different formats

- Raster format: jpg, gif, png

- Vector format: ai, pdf, eps...

These two formats have two different uses

Generally speaking, graphic designers create logos in vector format so that they can be printed in high definition, i.e. with good quality at all sizes.

However, companies use logos in raster format for everyday use, particularly on social networks.

However, to personalize your apron, it's essential for us to have your logo in vector format.

The difference between raster and vector images

The difference between the two types of image is very simple: vector images can be enlarged ad infinitum, whereas other images lose quality when enlarged.

Enlarging a logo: the difference between vectorized and raster logos

A raster or bitmap image is made up of a set of points called pixels, which are assembled to form an image. Pixels are not visible to the naked eye. However, if you enlarge a photo or image several times, you can see that an image is made up of an assembly of small squares: pixels.

A vector image is not made up of a set of points. It's made up of lines of segments that are linked by mathematical formulas. It's a system of proportionality and coordinates. With a vector image, each element of an image has a precise position, but in relation to the other elements of the image.

Advantages of vectorized images

The advantage of having a vectorized image is that you can resize it at will. Even with multiple enlargements, the image will still be of high quality. In fact, as they are created using mathematical formulas, the vector lines that make up the image are automatically recalculated and adapted to each change in size.

Moreover, a vectorized file is much more flexible than a bitmap file. By vectorizing the file, pixels can be stretched in any direction, while the image retains its sharpness. This means the logo can be reworked at will, to achieve the best possible rendering.

Why is saving a file as .ai or .eps not enough to vectorize it?

Enregistrer un logo en .ai ou .eps avec Illustrator, Photoshop ou tout autre logiciel de graphisme ne suffit pas pour le vectoriser.

Pour faire la cuisine, il ne vous suffit pas d’acheter les ingrédients, il faut ensuite savoir préparer le plat. Dans le cas du fichier vectorisé c’est pareil. Enregistrer le logo en .ai ou en .eps revient à avoir tous les ingrédients sur une table et attendre que le plat se prépare tout seul.

Il peut être très compliqué de transformer une image matricielle en vectorielle. Cela dépend du nombre de couleurs, de la forme, de la qualité de l’image de départ…. Pour transformer votre image jpeg, png, gif… ou autre format matriciel en image vectoriel, il faut savoir utiliser un logiciel de dessin assisté par ordinateur comme Illustrator ou Corel Draw. Puis couleur par couleur, forme par forme, il faut définir un à un tous les vecteurs et lignes de l’image.

Why do we ask you a vectorized logo?

Pour vous garantir une impression de qualité, Ma Belle Équipe exploite uniquement les images vectorielles pour la personnalisation des tabliers ou autres vêtements.